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Coach Cover Campaign (2018)

In conjunction with our Mark 2 Coach Appeal, we are raising funds to plan and construct a carriage storage facility on the Dean Forest Railway. The main fundraising method we are using for this project is our annual raffle draw, for which winners were drawn on 28th October 2018. This year, we raised just over £11,000 towards this worthwhile cause - next year, we will be aiming to progress the project in conjunction with the DFRs development team. 

So what now? Well, we are working with the DFR Development Team to ensure that this project is high on the agenda for future projects, as of course it cannot be completed by the DFRS alone. We believe that a carriage shed is one of the top priorities, along with a locomotive running shed, and so we will continue to encourage the Railway to plan a solution to this issue. We will distribute news as and when it becomes available, so watch this space!

A development team within the DFR has been established, including two members of the Society Executive Committee. The role of this development team is to identify and propose a full vision of the DFR, with a carriage storage shed being one of the infrastructure priorities.

Update 02/01/2024: This appeal is now closed. Further news on developments at Lydney Junction, including a carriage storage shed, can be found on our News page.


From L-R: DFRS Chairman Alastair Clarke, fireman Adam Dickinson, Draw Manager Dan Winter, and driver George Matthews

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