Our winners for the second 2023 raffle have now been drawn! We have had another successful year with, at the time of writing, over £15,000 being raised towards the Society's funds this year. As always, thank you to everyone that purchased a ticket - your generosity will go a long way to helping keep the DFR running, bringing Forest of Dean heritage to future generations, as well as developing and improving the existing facilities. We are also, once again, hugely grateful to our raffle ticket sellers who have given their valuable time for the cause. So, on to the main event...
Congratulations to our winners! They are:
1st Prize (£250) - Theo Hornsey
2nd Prize (£100) - Ruth Gilchrist
3rd Prize (£50) - Kathy Smith
4th Prize (£25) - Marilyn West (donated back to the Society - thank you Marilyn!)
All prize monies have now been arranged for payment and should be completed very soon. Thank you once again for supporting the DFR Society this year!